Dr. Tom Clark
Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D. University of Nebraska, (Mathematics, 2014)
M.S. University of Nebraska (Mathematics, 2010)
M.A. Point Loma Nazarene University (Education, 2007)
B.A. Calvin College (Mathematics and Secondary Education, 2004)
Prior to joining Dordt's faculty in 2014, I earned my Ph.D. at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln studying fluid-structure problems using partial differential equations. Now I'm leading our Actuarial Science and Statistics programs and thinking about pedagogical questions relating to teaching Statistics. Additionally I am working in the area of the scholarship of teaching and in the mathematical preparation of teachers. I am also the director of the . In my free time I enjoy playing board games and baking sourdough bread.
Falling Water: A Modeling Story. PRIMUS: 34:2, 168-181, 2023.
Stipends Successfully Swell Circle, Journal of Math Circles: Vol. 2 : Iss. 1 , Article 8, 2021.
Flappy Bird in Space: An Impulse Minimization Problem. Mathematics Magazine. 94:2 99-112, 2021.
Classroom and Computational Investigations of Camel Up. College Mathematics Journal, 52:4, 289-296, 2021.
Weighing Fog: Modeling on Day 1 of Differential Equations. PRIMUS, 29:7 648-661, 2019.
A mixed variational formulation for the wellposedness and numerical approximation of a PDE model arising in a 3-D fluid-structure interaction. Evolution Equations and Control Theory. 3(4) 557-578, 2014.
Classifying polygonal chains of six segments. Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 13(4) 479-514, 2004.
Courses Taught
Math 152 Calculus I
Math 153 Calculus II
Math 201 Multivariable Calculus
Math 204 Differential Equations
Math 207 Number Theory
Math 208 Modern Geometry
Math 209 Numerical Analysis
Math 215 Univariate Probability
Math 216 Multivariate Probability
Math 291 Problem Solving Seminar
Math 303 Advanced Linear Algebra
Math 311 Real Analysis
Math 315 Complex Analysis
Stat 131 Introductory Statistics
Stat 148 Financial Mathematics
Stat 201 Applied Statistical Models
Stat 202 Econometrics
Stat 320 Mathematical Statistics
Stat 352 Long Term Actuarial Mathematics
Stat 353 Short Term Actuarial Models