Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. § 1681) is an all-encompassing federal law which prohibits discrimination based on the gender of students and employees of education institutions which receive federal financial assistance.

A picture of Dordt's clock tower with the campus center behind

Title IX Report Form

Potential sexual or gender-based discrimination, harassment, and/or violence report form

When the form has been completed and signed by you, and then reviewed by the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy, your report has been properly received and noted by the university. We will provide you with a copy of this form as well as complete information about the Title IX complaint process.

Sioux Center Police Department
Dial 911 or (712) 722-0761

Family Crisis Center
(712) 722-4404 or 1-800-382-5603

Centers Against Abuse & Sexual Assault – CAASA

Domestic Violence 1-877-382-5603

Sexual Assault 1-877-362-4612

Emergency Shelter 1-800-982-7233

Title IX Coordinator

The Title IX Coordinator and/or designated official investigates reports by students, faculty, or staff related to reports of sexual harassment or discrimination and harassment related to gender.

Our Coordinator
A picture of Robert Taylor